
Evil lyn yellow skin
Evil lyn yellow skin

evil lyn yellow skin

Instead, what if Anwat Gar and Zalesia were allies. That would have solved a lot of the choppiness and awkward storytelling of having Evil-Lyn travel through time as an infant and then be raised in isolation by the ghost of her father. They could have just as easily had the destruction of Zalesia and the destruction of Anwat Gar the same event. Anwat Gar was destroyed within Keldor’s/Skeletor’s lifetime. Those ruins that Adam and Man-at-Arms kept breaking in the season 1 episode “The Mysteries of Anwat Gar” can only be 30-40 years old. In an effort to help Evil-Lyn realize just how important they are to Serpos, Hiss gives Evil-Lyn the vision tea to gain a hint of their destiny and how important they really are, not just to the Snakemen, but to the goddess Serpos herself! But does Evil-Lyn’s vision tell them to serve Serpos? Or should Evil-Lyn return to Bash-Or? motu masters of the universe evil-lyn Evelyn powers fan fiction alternate universe au keldor evil-lyn/keldor keldor/evil lyn bash-or zalesia faceless one king hiss snakemen serpos preternia great wars three towers viper tower In this chapter, Evil-Lyn has been struggling with feelings of not belonging for a while. Nick never rescued her after she was kidnapped and instead of eating her, Hiss decided to raise her as his own. She’s all human in this one, not half-Snakeman. Except this is the one where she’s his adopted daughter not his biological child. This is one of my “Evil-Lyn is King Hiss’ daughter” AUs. Been a while since I last worked on this fic.

Evil lyn yellow skin