You can also print a free sugar skull banner for the Day of the Dead from the Crafty Chica. Join now for instant access to July's 125+ pages of printables and resources! They are made from TP tubes and come with free printables to go inside! I love this little nicho box craft from The Kitchen Table Classroom! Let’s take a look at some fun craft ideas for making some of these colorful skulls on your own. They certainly are beautiful and fun to create yourself. They are important symbols of mortality and the link between life and death. You will see lots of colorfully decorated skulls and skeletons throughout these celebrations. Little sugar skulls are used to adorn the altars or ofrendas on Dia de los Muertos. Please craft and celebrate with thought and respect. They’re not a “Halloween decoration” or a way to make money off of someone else’s heritage. They should be celebrated with respect and with cultural credit given to where they came from. Note: These days have special meanings to Catholics, and especially to Mexican Catholics. Today, we are going to look at some Day of the Dead arts and crafts for helping you celebrate these very special days. You can read more about celebrating the Day of the Dead as a Catholic here. Catholics would also know these as the feast days of All Saints’ and All Souls. The Day of the Dead, or in Spanish, Dia de los Muertos, is a very important celebrations for Mexicans and also Catholics all over the world! These festivities start as early as October 31, and are celebrated on November 1 and 2.